Overview on natural dyes and their IR-spectra - Part III: Natural dyes based on wooden materials
wood based dyes, natural dye, infrared spectroscopy, brasilin, sandalwood, dragon palm, logwood, quebrachoAbstract
This paper on wood originated natural dyes is part III of a review series on natural dyes and their infrared spectra (IR spectra). Currently discussed are samples originated from yellow, red and blue wood of different types and supplied by different companies. Further, it is reported on quebracho wood extracts, dragon palm resin and osage yellow as dye materials. Dye materials from different barks are also considered. IR spectra are recorded from cut wooden pieces, wood powder and extracts. The IR spectra are analyzed and discussed in respect to composition of the samples. Reference measurements are done with different wooden samples gained from different sources. Finally, it is aimed to report spectroscopic data for identification of natural dye materials to support material identification and quality control.
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