Textile Development (TED) Method – a new method for the sustainable development of new textile products
product development, methodology, textile product, technology selection, pattern selectionAbstract
The textile field is diverse and encompasses products intended for technical and non-technical applications. The product diversity in the textile domain has led to various product development approaches. This paper describes a product development method for textile products that is generally applicable. In the so-called Textile Development (TED)-Method, the textile surface manufacturing process is determined in the product development process. In this way, it is possible to develop in an open, target-oriented way and independent of an existing supplier or machine park. By using correlation matrices, a broad design field is considered and specific solutions are extrapolated that lead to the desired product without lengthy iteration series. Thus, the TED-Method additionally represents a resource-saving product development without renouncing a broad design field. Three different development examples of the TED-Method are presented, thus demonstrating the open and comprehensive use of the method
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Copyright (c) 2024 Isa Bettermann, Debolina Mukherjee-Kleiber , Rahel Heesemann, Thomas Gries

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