Textiles as microplastic source - A holistic approach to determine fibre release by textile laundry, biodegradation and ecotoxicity (DIN SPEC 4872)
Microplastic, microfibre, fibre release, Dynamic Image Analysis, textile laundry, waste water, biodegradation, ecotoxicity, environmental impactAbstract
When textiles are washed, natural and synthetic fibres are released that cannot completely be retained by waste water treatment plants. These microfibres can enter freshwater ecosystems and marine habitats and have unpredictable negative effects on the environment. Until now, there has been no standardised approach for determining the environmental impact of microfibres released during washing. Against this background, a new test procedure to investigate and classify the environmental impact of textiles during laundering was developed (DIN SPEC 4872). In this test procedure, textiles are classified with regard to fibre release during the washing process using a suitable analysis system – the Dynamic Image Analysis. In addition, the microfibre release is classified by testing its biodegradability in waste water using a respirometer system. Finally, a suitable ecotoxicity test with a model aquatic organism (Lemna minor) is carried out, to determine the toxicity of the fibre residues after the biodegradation process. With this holistic test procedure, it is possible to investigate the environmental impact of synthetic microfibres (microplastics), as well as natural microfibres in a standardised way. The consideration of textiles made of natural fibres is just as important as the consideration of synthetic ones, because their fibre release capacity, biodegradability and ecotoxicity can be influenced by textile finishes such as dyes and can therefore also pose a risk to the environment.
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