3D garment fit on solid and soft digital avatars – preliminary results





3D Simulation, soft body physics, garment fit, soft digital avatar


For a holistic assessment of the interaction between the human body and tight fitted clothing, it is necessary to consider the mechanical properties of the body. Default avatars in CAD software are usually solid and do not take this interaction into account. For this purpose, a solid avatar is converted to a deformable one by using the soft body physics implementation in the simulation program Blender. The fit of a 3D garment on both avatars are compared, which allows a first evaluation of the differences between these approaches.


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Fit comparison between the form on solid and soft avatar




How to Cite

Brake, E., Kyosev, Y., & Rose, K. (2022). 3D garment fit on solid and soft digital avatars – preliminary results. Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, 3(2), 97–103. https://doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2022.3.p97-103



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